Lessons for the Dvorak and Colemak keyboard layouts
Other lessons
More lessons See the comments at the top of each .typ file for more information about the source and the author of the lessons.
If you want to write your own lessons, look at the gtypist manual, it's really simple!
This site will teach you to touch type, or help you improve your touch-typing speed.
To use it:
Follow the instructions, making sure you use the correct fingers for the keys, and do not look at the keyboard while typing.
Once you understand what to do, start at the first exercise and in each input box, type the text that is shown above it.
Once you have completed each input box, the table at the end of the exercise will update telling you that you have passed or failed, your speed and number of errors.
Repeat the exercise until you pass.
You can restart or redo an exercise by clicking the 'restart' button.
Once you have passed an exercise, go on to the next.
Tip: A miss-key is only counted as an error if it is not corrected before the next word.
Tip: Press Return to go to the next line.
These lessons are also available in a standalone program, gtypist.