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Quick touch typing course for complete beginners (Five lessons - 15 minutes each)

Lesson: Beginner 1

Welcome to the first lesson: Beginner 1.

In the Beginner series of lessons, we will be learning to touch-type on the standard keyboard. We will introduce you to each letter on the keyboard, one at a time.
By the time you have completed this series, you will be able to type the entire alphabet, the numbers, and most of the punctuation keys by touch.

If you have never taken any lessons in typing before, please be patient. Typing is not difficult but it does take a lot of practice. Avoid the tendency to look down at your fingers while typing. This is a very bad habit and is hard to break later. If you hit the wrong key, we will let you know. (But, we won't tell anyone else, so don't worry about it.)
If you have always used the hunt-and-peck method, you will have an even harder time keeping yourself from looking. Don't be surprised if you find touch typing slower than your old ways.
It may be slower when you first start, but touch typing is far faster once you get the hang of it.
If you can already touch type, you should be able to go through these lessons fairly quickly. Or, you may want to go directly to the speed-building lessons.

The HOME Keys

In order to hit the correct keys by touch alone, you must always know where your fingers are. The way to do this is to have a special place for each finger.
This key is called the HOME position.

Place the first finger of your right hand on the J-key. Now, place your second finger on the K-key, your third finger on the L-key, and your fourth-finger on the ;-key (the one with the : and ; on it).

Similarly place the four fingers of your left hand on the F, D, S, and A-keys.
Place your right thumb over the SPACE bar. (From now on, always hit the SPACE bar with this thumb). Now, lift all your fingers slightly so that they are poised just over the keys. Each finger should be just barely touching its home key. This is an electronic keyboard and does not take much pressure to accidentally press the key down.
Above the D-key is the E-key. Above the K-key is the I-key. Learn these positions well. Whenever you are about to type a line, look at your fingers and make sure they are in the HOME position. Then don't look at them again.


These lessons are made up of instructions, followed by a number of exercises.
Each exercise consists of some lines of text and under each an edit box, for you to type in.
To start each exercise, just start typing in the edit box.
Try to type the same characters in the edit box as in the line above it.
If you type a word wrong the edit box will go red until you start the next word. Just keep going till the end of the exercise.

When you have finished typing the line, hit the RETURN key. To do this, extend the little finger of your right hand over to the RETURN key. Hit the key and zip the finger back to its home position. Be careful not to let your other fingers move far from their home positions in the process. Also, be careful not to type an extra space at the end of the line.

If you made few mistakes in the exercise, it will show as PASSED, and you can move on to the next. If you failed, click the 'Restart' button to do it again.
Just keep trying until you can pass that exercise.

(1) Try this:

asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj
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Now this (use 'k' finger for 'i' and 'd' finger for 'e'):

asdef ;lkij asdef ;lkij asdef ;lkij asdef ;lkij asdef ;lkij
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(2) Some more:

as al ad ak af aj fa ka da la sa ja sl sd sk sf ls ds ks fs de le ae ke se je fe ed el ea ek es ej ef ed lf dk dl fl kl ki ai li si di ji fi ia il is ik id ij if dd ee ss ff ll ei
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(3) Hang in there; let's do some sentences...

To get capitals use your ';' finger on [right-SHIFT]
Dad adds a salad A lad asks Salad falls as a lad asks Dad
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(4) Now try [left-SHIFT] usage (for 'L') and [right-SHIFT]!

Lease a desk Add a safe deal Ask less fees Add a lease Lease a lake Add lake sales Add deeds Flee false deals
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Feel a dead faded leaf Seeds fall as a faded leaf falls A lad sells seeds Dad feels a seed Dad adds a seed deal A deaf lad sells a false jade Dad sells a deaf lad a sled
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Idle Sid seeks a salad Sis aids Sid A salad is laid aside Sid seeks a lake Sis is all silks Sid likes silks A lad asks if Dad likes lilies Dad is ill Dad feels life dies as lilies fade Dad slides all lilies aside Dad is jaded
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Sails fill as Sis sails a safe lake Skill aids Sis Dad likes a safe sail Sis seeks a lee isle All sail is laid aside Sis feels life is ideal Idle fields lead as Sis seeks lilies Sis falls Lilies fade as Sis falls Faded sails fill Idle isles slide aside as Sis sails
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Sid adds all sail as Dad sees a safe sea as idle as a lake
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Lesson: Beginner 2

(h g o u n . t)

In this lesson you learn six new letters (H, G, O, U, N, T) and the period. (.). Be sure that the F-finger does not linger on the G-key or the J-finger on the H-key. Also be sure to use your fingers as follows:
'f' for 't' and 'g', 'j' for 'h', 'u' and 'n', finally use 'l' for 'o' and '.'
Note that you always follow a period with a single space.

(1) Rhythm Drill

a;sldkfjgh a;sldkfjgh a;sldkfjgh a;sldkfjgh a;sldkfjgh asdefghk lokijujhjn asdefghk lokijujhjn asdefghk l. a. l. s. l. d. l. e. l. n. l. t. l. o.
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(2) Balanced Keyboard Drill

as os es us is an on en un in at ot et ut it ad od ed ud id sa so se su si na no ne nu ni ta to te tu ti ha ho he hu hi da do de du di au st oi sh oi ts ht oe nk ou nd ue ns ui th
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(3) Continuous Copy

Ed had a shed. His shed had dishes. He had shade. Ed had his ease. Sis liked a safe shed. Sis had shade. His shed is ashes. Ed hides his head. He heeds Sis.
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Odd ideas die like odd seeds. Odd seeds die as do odd deeds. Dad has odd ideas. Dad sees a soda as a sad dose. A soda aids Sis. So I see a soda is added. Sis does like a soda.
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Sid used us. Sid sued us. Ada used us as aid. I did aid. I added ease. I issued added deeds. Ada said adieu. Ada used dead deeds as issues. Sid said I used deeds due Ada.
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Ed is staid. Ed uses tested data as assets. Sis is a tease. Sis sets a tea date. As Ed tastes tea I state tea data. Sis teases Ed at tea. As Ed eats I state diet data.
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Sis said Dean is dense as sand. Dean needs an idea and Sis needs a sedan. Dad sends a sedan. Dean is indeed sad as he sees Sis and Ed inside. At nine he sees Sis and Ed dine.
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(8) Rhythmic Review

He sees that in a test he has to state and use a sane idea.
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Lesson: Beginner 3

(y r c , ? : p)

You learned first the letters that are most frequently used in the English language. They are repeated over and over again.

One space always follows a comma. Don't forget there is one space between sentences, no matter what punctuation mark closes the sentence.

The colon (:) introduces a list and is followed by two spaces. Finger usage:
'j' for 'y', 'f' for 'r', 'k' for ',', 'd' for 'c', ';' for '?', 'p' and ':'

(1) Rhythm Drill

deki frju dck, dcl. frju ftjy deki frju dck, dcl. frju ftjy fgjh ;p;? jujy dedc lol. kik, fgju ;:;: frfk jujy dedc kik,
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(2) Balanced Keyboard Drill

ag ac ar al ap at ay af ug uc ur ul up ut eg ec er el ep et ey ef og or ol op ot of ig ic ir il ip if ga ca ra la pa fa gu cu ru lu pu fu ge ce re le pe ye fe go co ro lo po yo fo gi ci ri li fi gn pl gh ld sy rd ty ct ft ch nc dy dr ph ng s? d? e? f? r? f? t? j? n? s: d: e: r: t: n: k, i, d, e, f, r, k, u, f, t, k, y, d, c, k, n, k, h, l, o,
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(3) Continuous Copy

Chance can aid a nice choice. It can teach one to count his costs too. In each such case a chance cause can hit costs.
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At his age a good song is the thing as he gets his dog and gun. He is going to hunt again. As night ends he sets out.
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As soon as papa is deep in a nap Pat happens to pound in his shop and the phone sounds. Pat is to paint and pass up noise.
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I hear there is an error in her other order. The store sent her red dress to our door. She is sure that it is too dear.
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I shall hold those ideal hotel lots at least until all land is sold. Late sales still total less than the one old deal.
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Sunday is too soon. It is not easy to stay and study this dandy day. I need to study. It is not easy on the eyes.
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One needs to use faith if one fishes often. It is fun to sit on soft sod and fish. It is fun to feel a fish dash out fast.
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Hello, is this Dan? Hello, Dan, this is Ann. No, Ann. Did you see Ted? Is Nan at the house? Then dash to the house. Is he at the house? Has he his auto? Did he tie on those odds and ends: used suits, sun hats, shoes, and side tent?
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(10) Rhythmic Review

Papa can not plan to get us all there in such a car as this.
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Lesson: Beginner 4

(m w v z x b q ' -)

Self control is important in learning to type. Concentrate on using the correct finger for each key. In this lesson you learn the seven remaining letters of the alphabet.

The semicolon (;), like the comma, is followed by one space in a sentence.

Fingers: 'j' for 'm', 's' for 'w' and 'x', 'f' for 'v' and 'b', ';' for ' and '-', 'a' for 'z' and 'q'

(1) Rhythm Drill

dedc kik, frfv jujm swsx lol. aqaz ;p;p frfv jujm ftfb jyjn aqsw az;p sxl. fvjm fvjn fbjn aqsw az;p sxl. fvjm fvjn fbjn
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(2) Balanced Keyboard Drill

am aw av az ak ax ab um ub em ew ev ez ek eq ex om ow ov oz ok ob im iv iz ix ib ma wa va za ka ja xa ba mu ju qu bu me we ve ze ke je xe be mo wo vo zo ko jo bo mi wi vi zi ki xi bi xt sm sk sw kn ms nk wh tw ks wn dv s; o; n; d; l; e; t;
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(3) Continuous Copy

Iowa was white with snow when we two went down town and saw a show. We wanted to see news and not the widow who was wed.
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John has to use a tan and jet auto. He joined Jane in its joint use. Jane just intends to use it in June on a jaunt.
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Smith is his name. He is on some Maine team. I am to meet him and Miss Smith. I must see them some time this month.
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Kate uses ink to send a note south to Kansas kin. She asks to use a kodak to take along on these keen skates and skis.
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I advise Eva in vain to avoid an auto visit in seven states. Nevada is so vivid that Eva votes to have this visit saved.
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She has questions and unique ideas to quote us. So she is quite the queen in this quiet set and sets us quaint quotas.
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The zoo is shut. His zest is dashed. Dan dozes. One sneeze and then a dozen seize Dan. In a daze he sees the zoo seized.
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The boat has been best to Boston. On this basis no doubt one is bound to be a bit behind but boats beat both dust and heat.
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Nan is in Texas. She is anxious to dine at six. She sees a taxi stand next to the sixth exit. Taxis exist to aid one.
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(10) Rhythmic Review

Ask them to let us have the car if they both go to the show.
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Lesson: Beginner 5

Now you know all of the alphabet. In this lesson we add the hyphen (-) and the apostrophe (').

(1) Rhythm Drill

dedc kik, frfv jujm swsx lol. aqaz ;p;p frfv jujm ftfb jyjn frfk fvfb jujy jmjn aqsw azsw azsx ;plo ;p;- kik, ;p;-
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(2) Balanced Keyboard Drill

ad ar an al am ab ee st ed er en el es em ex om on or un up id ic ir in im se sy le ly re ry ec fy ty de be my by bi di l-t o-d s-c p-t o-d n-y r-o g-d r-h d-g n't t's l's y's I'l
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(3) Continuous Copy -- Review

It is a good thing papa has gone. Pat gets up a deep song. Yet Ann says an easy song any day is a sign to guess again.
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They often need funds but don't think it is any fun to study. Ann is keen to ask him to use his kodak at the same time.
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Ted notes an odd noise. Dan is in the seas and needs aid. He sheds his suit and shoes on the sand and is out in haste.
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A good visit East is Ann's next quest. Ann seems to seize on this idea with zest. She has set seven visits as a quota.
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She is to adjust her six visits to have a snow-white Maine Christmas. An Iowa aunt asks Ann to take in that state, too.
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It's a tax on time, but it's quite a new zone to Ann who is in just the mood to end her quota of visits in sixteen weeks.
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(9) Rhythmic Review

Two of the boys are to do it today and two of them next week.
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Quick touch typing course for complete beginners (Five lessons - 15 minutes each)

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icon Type faster, enter boilerplate text, and reduce typos with   Apus: The Shorthand Keyboard
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