Apus: The Shorthand Keyboard
What is it?
With Apus you can use your normal QWERTY keyboard as a stenographic "chord keyboard" capable of typing as fast as talking.
Using Apus can increase your typing speed to 2-3 times of your speed without it.

How does it work?
By pressing more than one key at a time, you can type whole words in one movement, in a similar way to stenographic keyboards used by court reporters.
However unlike the expensive and awkward keyboards used in court rooms, Apus works with normal 'QWERTY' keyboards*.
* Apus works with 9 out of 10 tested wired US and UK qwerty keyboards
Apus can also
Completes phrases using predictive text
Report spelling errors as you type them.
Insert boilerplate or template text, like signatures or email responses, with a single key combination.
Automatically capitalize the start of sentences.
Smoothly adjust spacing around punctuation as you type, helping you keep a consistent style.

Image credit: Michael Maggs / CC BY-SA 3.0
Apus works transparently in most Windows applications; if you can type in it, you can 'chord' in it with Apus.
Apus shows its tips and hints in pop-up tool-tips that keep out of your way.
It integrates seemlessly with your favorite software.
Just press the space bar to expand the hinted text, or continue with more letters to get a hint for another word

Predictive Text Hint

Chord Hint

Completion Hint

Tip showing a spelling error

Tip showing a chord